Test your Neovim plugins with luarocks & busted

Posted on June 6, 2023



In my previous post, I wrote about some pain points in the Neovim plugin ecosystem, and introduced the luarocks-tag-release GitHub action, which allows you to publish your Neovim plugins to LuaRocks, as a call to address those pain points.

At the end, I stated that I was planning to play around with a few ideas:

  • Perhaps a package manager as a proof-of-concept?
  • Maybe a package that can use Neovim as an interpreter to run LuaRocks so that it can use Neovim’s Lua API in test runs?

…and I ended up going down the second rabbit hole.

Why not just use plenary.nvim to test plugins?

Before Neovim 0.9, the status quo for Lua plugins has been to use plenary.nvim for testing. This still seems to be the case for many (including my own plugins, as of writing this post). Popular plugin templates still use plenary-test in their CI.

For example:

What are the downsides of using plenary-test?

For one thing, it is a stripped-down re-implementation of busted. As such, it only supports a small subset of busted items. Functions like setup, teardown, insulate, expose, finally, or features like tagging tests, are not implemented.

Another downside is that different plugins have different approaches at managing the plenary-test dependency. An approach I see quite often is to clone the plenary.nvim repository into $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/vendor/start and then to symlink it to the project’s root or parent directory. This is not very intuitive for potential contributors. Plus, the fact that many plugins use git clone to fetch the HEAD of plenary.nvim’s master branch, is not ideal for reproducibility.

Enter Neovim 0.9

With the introduction of Neovim 0.9, you can now leverage the -l option to run lua scripts via the command-line interface. Combining this with -c lua [...], Neovim transforms into a full-fledged LuaJIT interpreter, providing access to the Neovim lua API.

To test this out, you can create a sayHello.lua file with the following content:

vim.print { "Hello", name }

Then run

nvim -c 'lua name = "teto"' -l sayHello.lua
> { "Hello", "teto" }

As it turns out, it’s quite easy to run busted tests using Neovim 0.9+ as the interpreter.

How to test your plugin with busted


  • If your plugin has any dependencies, it is a lot easier to set up if they are available on LuaRocks.
  • So in case they aren’t, open an issue asking to publish releases to LuaRocks, e.g. using the luarocks-tag-release GitHub action.
  • Install luarocks using your distro’s package manager and also install LuaJIT or Lua 5.1. The version doesn’t matter, since we’ll be using Neovim as the interpreter. But luarocks needs a real Lua installation that exposes its C header files to install certain dependencies.

Preparing your plugin

1. Add a .rockspec file

Add a rockspec named <my-plugin>-scm-1.rockspec1 to your project’s root.

A minimal rockspec for testing might look something like this:

rockspec_format = '3.0'
package = '<my-plugin>'
version = 'scm-1'

test_dependencies = {
  'lua >= 5.1',

source = {
  url = 'git://github.com/mrcjkb/' .. package,

build = {
  type = 'builtin',

This file tells luarocks and busted how to build your plugin as a Lua package and which dependencies to install before running tests.

2. Add a .busted file

Next, add a .busted file to the root of your project, to configure busted. This file should contain the following content:

return {
  _all = {
    coverage = false,
    lpath = "lua/?.lua;lua/?/init.lua",
    lua = "nlua",
  default = {
    verbose = true,
  tests = {
    verbose = true,


  • The lpath is necessary to tell busted to look for your plugin’s source code in the lua directory.
  • lua = "nlua" runs your tests with nlua (a Neovim-Lua CLI adapter) as the Lua interpreter.

3. Run your tests

That’s it! You can run your tests with

luarocks test --local
# or

Without any arguments, busted looks for *_spec.lua files in a directory named spec.

Or if you want to run a single test file:

luarocks test spec/path_to_file.lua --local
# or
busted spec/path_to_file.lua

Using GitHub Actions to run tests

So far, this post has discussed using busted locally for testing Neovim plugins. However, to ensure thorough testing, compatibility, and bug detection across different environments, it’s essential to make this approach compatible with CI workflows like GitHub Actions.

For that, you can use the nvim-busted-action, which will take care of all the setup for you.

Moving forward

If this has motivated you to try out using luarocks and busted to test your Neovim plugins, I’d love to hear your feedback!

  • Have you run into any issues?
  • Is there still something Neovim-specific that plenary-test provides, which you are missing from this approach?
  • Do you have any other thoughts?

Personally, I would like to see LuaRocks being able to run using Neovim, without having to install Lua. This possibility doesn’t seem far-fetched, especially considering that there are other communities that would also benefit from such an integration.


This post has been updated to use nlua, instead of creating a busted wrapper script manually.

  1. Replace <my-plugin> with the name of your plugin.↩︎